It Looks Like Phil Spencer & Todd Howard Enjoyed Playing Stalker 2 At Gamescom

Stalker 2 has no-doubt been one of the biggest titles to feature at the Xbox booth this year at Gamescom, and its playable demo has been gaining lots of attention on the show floor. In fact, Xbox's Phil Spencer and Bethesda's Todd Howard have been checking the game out, leading to some amusing results!

The official Stalker Twitter account has posted out a clip of the pair playing some Stalker 2 - with Phil at the helm here. It doesn't exactly go well for the Xbox boss, who dies within about 20 seconds of playing.

Fans have also picked up on Phil's, shall we say unique way of handling the keyboard while playing. It doesn't look particularly conventional buy hey ho, whatever works for you (although it didn't really work in this case...).

Even with Phil's untimely Stalker 2 demise in mind, it's cool to see these two just wandering the Gamescom show floor and checking out some video games. We wonder how Todd got on? Hopefully he managed to survive a bit longer, if he had the time to try the game out!

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