Publisher GameMill Entertainment has officially unveiled The Walking Dead: Destinies, a new narrative-focused TWD title heading to Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S. We don't have a release window or anything for this one just yet, but our first look at the game is available up above.

It's fair to describe our initial impression of Destinies as 'budget' based on its reveal trailer, but we'll try and save our full judgement until the game is out in the wild. That description is backed up by the fact that this The Walking Dead title will cost $50 at launch, even on current-gen systems.

In terms of how the title will actually play, GameMill says Destinies is a third-person action adventure game based on the first four seasons of the TV adaptation of The Walking Dead. It sounds like story-driven choices will play a part as well, as you'll be able to "weave your own path through series events".

'The Walking Dead: Destinies' Is A New Story-Driven Xbox Title Based On The TV Show

For a good while we were pretty big fans of The Walking Dead on AMC, especially during these first four seasons, so we're definitely intrigued to see how the story will play out in this video game version of events. Hopefully we hear of a release date for The Walking Dead: Destinies sooner rather than later.

What do you think to look of this TWD reveal trailer? Drop your thoughts down below.